Kamis, 08 April 2010

Malcolm McLaren - Rest In Peace

Malcolm very kindly granted me an interview in August 2008 for
the TV show that I co-host on the Plum Channel. The interview took place
in the decidedly un punk surrounding of The Hamptons on Long Island ,
New York. Much closer to Jackson Pollock than 'Never Mind The
Bollocks'. Malcolm spoke to me on camera for a couple of hours about
the Sex Pistols, Africa Bambaataa, Bow Wow Wow, Sid Vicious and his
most recent video art work.  As always Malcolm was very funny,
insightful and rebellious in the ideas he presented.
In February, during New York fashion week I saw Malcolm again,
presenting his short film 'Paris, Capital of the XXist Century' at the
Swiss Institute in New York. Afterward Malcolm was interviewed by
Michael Bracewell. Again, though looking thin and a little frail
Malcolm was above all, the Great Raconteur. And that's how I will
always remember this wonderful, inspiring man who I am lucky to have