Senin, 13 Juni 2011

5 Minutes With Billy Morrison

Billy Morrison is a guitarist, singer and actor who performs with the Los Angeles-based cover band Camp Freddy alongside Dave Navarro, Matt Sorum and Donovan Leitch. Morrison is also a member of Billy Idol's current touring band and former member of The Cult. Morrison hosted the radio show, Camp Freddy Radio, on Los Angeles based station Indie 103.1 for three years with with Navarro and Leitch.

Q1. What was the first record you bought and what effect did it have on you?

The first record I bought was a 7" Gary Glitter single -"Leader Of The Gang"..... but the first LP I bought was "Never Mind The Bollocks" by The Sex Pistols. Effect on my life?....... changed the course of my life forever. Made me wanna play guitar, speak out, do it my way, and most importantly made me understand that my truth is as valid as the next guys. Before that album, I was headed for a life behind a desk, being groomed to excel at apathy, boredom and averageness.

Q2. The best moment you’ve experienced with Camp Freddy so far was....?

Too many to narrow down to just one, but top five would include playing "Venus In Furs" with Lou Reed in New York, playing "Mr Brownstone" with Slash, Duff, Izzy and Matt, doing "My Generation" with my old pal Robbie Williams at the first ever Camp Freddy show in LA, watching Billy Corgan sing "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" and making the audience sing along with him, and finally performing to a packed Times Square from a ROOFTOP in Times Square!!

Q3. You are credited by Ozzy Osbourne in his book 'I Am Ozzy' as helping him find his way back. I am guessing that was not from getting losing on a hiking trip?

You'd have to ask Ozzy that! It's his book, not mine. I will say that Ozzy and Sharon are very close and special friends and I would do anything for them.

Q4. You are currently working with Billy Idol. Will you be playing 'King Rocker', Kiss Me Deadly' or any of the other Generation X

The set list is up to Steve and Billy, but I did get to choose "King Rocker" and "Running With The Boss Sound" on last years tour. Billy asked me what Gen X songs I'd like to do (knowing that I was a huge Generation X fan back in the day) and we played them every night. What a fucking blast that was........ I got to do the solos in "Boss Sound". If I was asked what ones I would choose next time around, I would go with "Paradise West One" and "Youth Youth Youth" or "One Hundred Punks" (because "Kiss Me Deadly" is already in the set).

Q5. Please finish this sentence: rapid information exchange via the Internet means that……

...... I can stay ahead of the game, stay in touch with fans and peers alike, and enjoy a level of connection previously unavailable to us.

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